The Martin Pear JCC on the Ina Levine Jewish Community Campus Launches a New Website

Published: Wednesday, January 13, 2021 | Tags: Case Study, Gym Management Software, JCC Case Study, JCC Management Software, JCC website, Jewish Community Center, Jewish Community Center website, new website launch, Website Design

New Jewish Community Center Website Launch

The Martin Pear JCC on the Ina Levine Jewish Community Campus is celebrating the launch of their new website to better serve their members and staff. This J is an inclusive community that builds connections to the Jewish community in a setting that enriches physical, mental, and spiritual growth.

We wanted to highlight the top design and functionality features on this site and congratulate this Jewish Community Center on their next-generation website.

Table of contents:


This JCC features a mega menu navigation, which is an expandable menu that displays navigation categories in a two-dimensional dropdown layout. This is a great design choice for displaying a large number of options. The Martin Pear JCC team can customize their menu at any time with images or by advertising special programs from using this type of navigation. 

Martin Pear JCC Navigation


There are also two utility menus to accommodate members’ user experience on the website to easily access quick links.

Quick links


The homepage design is warm and welcoming. The hero image slider shows a variety of indoor and outdoor lifestyle images from the J. The homepage boasts different panels with imagery and content that is completely customizable and can be updated at any time. 

Homepage design

The Staff Directory landing page has a unique layout featuring team members in a grid format. When hovering over the staff member’s photo, their name and title is displayed. A dropdown arrow (when clicked) tells more personal information about each J staff member.

Staff Directory landing page

Across the Martin Pear JCC website, you will find detailed landing pages with organized content including dropdown drawers with different panels of content, images and background colors. The Group Fitness landing pages show a great example of these design components you can feature on your JCC website. 

Group Fitness landing page


Under the Master Calendar, members can access a robust Events calendar that gives a breakdown of all the programs and events occurring throughout the J, virtually, or in the community at large. The featured programs' search allows JCC members to quickly filter by activity type, age group, and format. Multiple filters can be added to really narrow down on specific events or programs. Users can view these items by a full list or calendar.

Master Calendar

The Martin Pear JCC has a specific landing page that features their corporate and community partners. This is such a mutually beneficial way to showcase the partnerships’ businesses for advertising purposes as well as to help members get connected with a local company or organization. 

Corporate and community partners

We’re also excited to share more in-depth about Martin Pear JCC’s J at Home. Be sure to read that case study blog here.

This website redesign has positioned the Martin Pear JCC to seamlessly migrate to 立博客户端app下载’s JCC management tools with 立博客户端app下载 Freedom. Freedom for JCCs is a total software solution that includes member management, program management, reservations, scheduling, early childhood and camps and more.

If you're interested in integrating any of these website design, navigation or functionality features or learn more about Freedom Software for your Jewish Community Center, please reach out to us and someone from our team will be in contact with you.

Melissa Markovsky Quote

We LOVE working with non-profits. See what 立博客户端app下载 could do for you!

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